5 refreshing cocktails with pastis

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5 refreshing cocktails with pastis

Embark on an anise-tasting experience with these 5 recipes for exciting and refreshing pastis cocktails.

Pastis by the pool
That’s how we usually know pastis, but what about a cocktail with pastis instead?

Pastis can be served both traditionally and in cocktails

Pastis, a star in the world of French spirits, is known for its distinct anise flavor and rich history.

As a typical aperitif from the south of France, it is often enjoyed on the rocks on a sunny terrace but can also be used to create exciting and refreshing cocktails.

Before we dive into the recipes, let’s explore what type of pastis is available on the market.

The most famous brands are Pernod and Ricard. Both offer a distinctive, robust aniseed flavor, with Pernod boasting a slightly sweeter profile and Ricard being a bit more herbaceous.

There’s also Henri Bardouin Pastis, which stands out for its complex flavor profile sourced from a secret blend of many herbs and spices.  Finally, you will also find Pastis 51 as one of the popular brands in many supermarkets around France.

And now for the cocktails with pastis!

pastis spirts cocktail

Pastis Spritz

This cocktail is a nice twist on the classic Spritz.


  • 1 part pastis
  • 2 parts Prosecco
  • Touch of soda water
  • Orange slices for decoration
  • Ice cubes


  • Pour pastis and prosecco into a glass over ice.
  • Add a touch of cold soda water.
  • Garnish with orange and enjoy this refreshing and bubbly treat.
pastis mauresque cocktail

Pastis Mauresque

This cocktail is a sweet delight with an almond flavor.


  • 2 parts pastis
  • 1 part almond syrup
  • 4 parts water
  • Maraschino cherry for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  • Pour the pastis and almond syrup into a glass over ice and stir well.
  • Add cold water.
  • Garnish with a cocktail cherry.
Pastis sex and the city cocktail

Pastis Sex and the CityXee

The perfect cocktail for a girls night. Enjoy the pink color of the grenadine and the raspberry on top.


  • 1 part pastis
  • 1 part grenadine syrup
  • 3 parts water
  • Raspberry or strawberry
  • Ice cubes


  • Pour pastis and grenadine syrup into a glass over ice and stir well.
  • Add cold water.
  • Garnish with your favorite berry.
Perroquet pastis cocktail

Pastis Perroquet

A refreshing minty twist on the classic pastis and water.


  • 1 part pastis
  • 1 part mint syrup
  • 4-5 parts water
  • Mint leaves for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  • Pour the pastis and mint syrup into a glass over ice and stir well.
  • Add cold water.
  • Garnish with mint leaves.
Rourou pastis cocktail

Pastis Rourou

If you are a fan of tropical flavors, Rourou is just for you.


  • 1 part pastis
  • 2 parts pineapple juice
  • 1 splash strawberry syrup
  • Fresh pineapple for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  • Pour the pastis and pineapple juice into a glass over ice and stir.
  • Carefully add the strawberry syrup and let it settle for a nice look. Then stir.
  • Garnish with fresh pineapple.

Pastis – a taste of the French Riviera

These 5 delightful cocktails demonstrate the versatility of the pastis and emphasize that it is not just a liqueur that you sip nicely on hot summer days.

Whether you prefer the traditional brands like Pernod and Ricard or opt for a more complex flavor like Henri Bardouin, there’s a pastis-based cocktail out there for everyone.

Don’t miss:

So, embrace the spirit of the French Riviera and add a splash of pastis to your next cocktail!

By Tommy Sverre – updated 2024

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