Cannes on the Côte d'Azur

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Cannes Fireworks Festival

Every summer in Cannes, in July and August, 6 days are held with a world-class musical fireworks display.
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Statue of Lord Brougham – Cannes’ “father”

Few have meant as much to Cannes as the English aristocrat and politician Lord Henry Brougham, whose statue adorns the basin of the avenue de la Liberté.
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The International Film Festival in Cannes

The Cannes Film Festival is known worldwide and one of the most important film awards in the film industry. Was founded in 1939 and can celebrate its 76th birthday this year.
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Cannes Underwater Museum

Cannes has got France's first underwater museum, which is wildly fascinating in every way. 6 great sculptures below the sea surface connect...
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Le Suquet – The old town

Here in the heart of old Cannes, the city shows its true soul. Here you find Le Suquet - the old town - a medieval area nestled on the hilltop of Mont-Chevalier. With its cobbled alleys, is one of Cannes city-must-xee places.
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Boat trips to Lérins Islands

If you want to visit the fantastic Islands of Lérins, Saint-Marguerite and Saint-Honorat, you can sail there from Nice, Cannes and Golfe-Juan respectively.
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Fort Royal & “The Man with the Iron Mask”

At Fort Royal, the legendary Man with the Iron Mask was imprisoned for 11 years. Today, the fort houses the Cannes Sea Museum and is a city-must-xee gem.
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La Croisette Promenade

The promenade at La Croisette is one of the most valued experiences in Cannes – it is the gathering point for mythical hotels, the casino, the Film Festival and...
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La Malmaison Art Center

Great art welcomes you in historic premises that used to be part of the Grand Hotel. In 1863, when the hotel was built, this building served as a games room and tea room.
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Excursions Cannes

Cannes is much more than the Croisette and the International Film Festival. With Cannes excursions you can experience Cannes from the Mediterranean
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Bellini Chapel

This beautiful chapel completely surprises, filled with art and dedicated to one of Cannes’ beloved artists, Emmanuel Bellini.
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Forville Market

With its 3000 m2 and approx. 50 stalls, the market invites you inside to some of the best the Riviera has to offer in Provencal and Italian ...
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Cannes Sea Museum

Cannes Sea Museum, Musée de la Mer, is located on the small island of Sainte-Marguerite. It is located in a unique historic setting in the old Fort Royal.
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Lérins Islands

Just a stone's throw from La Croisette, on the opposite side of the Bay of Cannes, are the islands of Lérins. They consist of 4 islands, of which île Sainte-Marguerite ...
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Musée de la Castre

Located high on top of Le Suquet, in the medieval castle originally inhabited by the monks of Lérins, the Museum of World Discovery overlooks the Croisette.
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