CityXee web traffic

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CityXee web traffic

CityXee’s web traffic has been in a positive development since its inception in January 2022. In the coming period, the strategy for continued development will build on qualitative traffic from Google Search, Organic Social and Newsletters.

cifferet things on a desk with organic traffic
CityXee focuses on the highest possible quality for the visitors for the benefit of advertisers.

2023 in numbers compared to 2022

It was a very good year for CityXee, where visits to the site increased by over 100 % to 87,307 visits and especially organic traffic from search engines showed strong progress.

The visits looked like this:

  • Organic Search: 57.271 visits (+276 %)
  • Organic Social: 16.010 visits (+6 %)
  • Other visits (email, direct & referral): 14.023 (+21 %)

The percentage of traffic by country is as follow:

  • France: 38 %
  • Scandinavia: 23 %
  • USA: 10 %
  • England: 7 %
  • Rest of the world: 22 %

Great start for 2024

The start of 2024 has shown same significant growth in visitors as in 2023.

For the first six months of the year, there has been a decrease of 80 % compared to the same period in 2023.

This gives good expectations for the future.

By Tommy Sverre – 2024

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